So here he is with the girls when we picked him up at the airport back in April.
It's amazing how you forget little things like the way they make you feel when they look at you when they are gone for so long. The separation stinks, but the reunions make for great reminders of why you fell in love in the first place.
Here we are the next day at Gillian's first official t-ball game.
See we look happy! This is because it's the week prior to me locking my purse in the trunk of my car along with my keys and my cell phone. How lucky was I that he was here and drove separately to the game that day. I never do stuff like that! I remembered why once I realized how infuriated with me he was ha ha.
Richard took the girls shopping...
They were so excited to wear their dresses and tell everyone that their dad picked them out for them. Richard was then (by no surprise to me) shocked to find out that Gillian got told dresses like that weren't allowed at school. Eh, I'll just stick a tank top under it from here on out.
This is Gillian at her May Day celebration at school.
They were sassy little mynah birds. Funny story about that. Only a week after this we actually had a mynah bird nesting in our exhaust fan duct in our half bath downstairs. That thing gave me the heeby jeebies and I wouldn't let the kids pee in there until it was removed. Yes I'm a freak, I know.
Gillian had water fun day at school.
We had to go out and specifically by one piece bathing suits for the girls because to my wondering eyes they only owned bikinis when I went searching. They allowed little brothers and sisters to join in the fun, and I think Brenna had just as much if not more fun that Gillian. It made her feel like a big girl, and she's all about being like her big sister right now!
Oh ya did I mention I'm pregnant???
That's what happens during reunions I guess ha ha. I'm 9 weeks there. I know people say "you shouldn't be showing yet" and "are you sure you aren't further along than that?" Yes, I know I in the worldly view not be showing yet, but I am. I get huge. I get huge fast. I'm short and have a small hip to rib cage ratio. I have big babies. And I'm sure I'm not further along than that because well...that would make me the Virgin Mary. Not possible. I'll try to scrub the grub off of me in a bit and take a 12 week picture in a few. I don't think I'm any bigger now, but who knows. Only the picture will tell!
We took a trip to the zoo.
We decided that our dog Winnie looks like a meerkat. I think we spent half an hour watching them dig for cool sand and guard. They really are fascinating little animals with hella long sharp little claws. I wouldn't want to be cornered by one of these little guys to put it lightly. They were awfully cute snuggling up on each other though. The girls were so intrigued with them and laughing at the resemblance to Winnie that Richard bought them each a stuffed meerkat at the zoo store on our way out of the gate.
And finally the fourth of July.
This is the girls with their friend Elizabeth. We had just dropped daddy off at the airport. He wouldn't allow me to take any goodbye pictures. I think he was too upset about leaving. It was a sad day for all of us. Gillian and I did have a little fun during the fireworks though playing with the camera.
I will be better about posting from here on out!
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