This is what Addison enjoyed doing while thrifting...
She's lucky she's so darn cute. There was an employee following her around feeding her ego.
Here are my finds for the trip.
First I found the mirrored perfume tray at the Waterfront Rescue Mission for $4.99. It wasn't on my mental list of things to look for, but the minute I saw it I needed to bring it home with me. It's in really nice shape and didn't need any cleaning up.
I also got the glass vase for $3. It's nothing special. A glass vase that I think someone got from, but it's a nice heavy, weighted vases that was the shape I was looking for. Much cheaper than going to the craft store and buying a vase. I have plans to up the ante on it slightly for decorative purposes. It won't look the same the next time I show it to you.
Next we hit up the Goodwill. I went there looking for a white or off-white throw blanket for another project Gillian and I have had planned for ages now. Struck out on that one. There was an amazing chair in the furniture section, but I don't feel secure enough in my reupholstering skills to take on a project like that just yet. Besides, the Goodwill seems to overcharge in my opinion. They get Target's no sell clearance items, but they have them priced higher than the lowest price Target clearances them. First time I realized, my opinion of the store was ruined. I understand that it's charity, but they are receiving most if not all of the items as donation. For them to charge more than the original retailer is asinine, in my opinion. Off my soapbox now, I was striking out everywhere I looked for anything I originally left the house to look for. As we were heading out towards the front of the store, the mirror caught my eye. It was sort of an impulse purchase at $7.99.
I thought it was an interesting piece that I could refinish into something amazing. The metal has a few yucky spots on it. I originally thought about redoing it with some Rub N Buff, but I think with those spots I will prime, paint and seal to make sure they don't spread.
Before we went home, somehow the girls and I ended up at Hobby Lobby. Addison insisted I buy "Ariel" instead of the underwater diver's mask I had in my hand to purchase. She said it was creepy. Much to her dismay, I had to explain after we returned home that Ariel was not for her room. Ariel was still very much her mermaid, but we were going to display her out in the main family area so she can show it to anyone she wants. Ariel was 50% off, so no skin off my teeth.
I found myself picking up the quirkiest things in Hobby Lobby and wanting to bring them home. I seriously considered this lamp, but after seeing the price take of $79 and knowing I'd replace the shade it wasn't worth it to me in the end. Can't you see painting the base a really awesome gold and replacing the shade with a drum shade? Ugh, maybe I still want it....I'll have to wait for the right sale.
So, that was my "haul" for the week. I spent a total of $24 for my purchases. Not bad considering I could spend that in my first five seconds of walking into Target.
I can't wait to go back to the Waterfront Rescue Mission. That place is HUGE and full of things, even brand new furniture. If you are in Pensacola and looking for furniture, I'd check there first to see if they have anything you like. The nice thing about them is they are the charity that does a drive by donation pick up once a month here locally. I had a feeling, if most people are like me, there was a bigger likelihood there would be nicer stuff people wanted to get rid of by setting it at the end of their driveway instead of hauling it off for donation. I know I don't have time for that. I actually get excited when I get the little yellow card in the mail telling me when their next pick up is.
Until next time!
Totally agree about Goodwill their prices to me seem ridiculous lately! I am totally a thrift store junkie :/