August 19, 2008

A Work In Progress

P8180002, originally uploaded by audreyovercast.

I know it's not the greatest picture taken at a bad angle from the sun, but this is the bedding my mom bought Gillian for her birthday. I picked up the throw pillows on top for $3.99 (Tommy Hilfiger mind you!) at Ross. I knew I wanted something in that corner behind her bed so it would just be empty space. I found those tissue paper flowers at Wal-Mart of all places. The crappy thing is I paid $9 for them when I totally can make them myself. So I think I'm gonna grab some more tissue and add two more flowers to the mix, and of course Brenna wants some for her room now.

And yes Megan, I'm still planning my decor/craft blog...maybe instructions on this tissue paper flower would be a good place to start? I still have a couple projects in mind to spice her room a bit more, plus the curtains I have just aren't jiving for me. Look for a complete project in the future!


  1. Haha you read my mind. As Im reading this I'm thinking "uh, HELLO! I want to make flowers! I dont know how! Waaahhhh I guess I'll go to the Walmarts AGAIN. Oy"

  2. Very cute! I love that idea... I wonder if my hubs will let me do that in our bedroom, lol... I'm betting not. :P I can't wait 'til I can live vicariously though my little girl. (one day...) :D

  3. Oh, that looks awesome!!
